About Me...

I am interested in Jesus, great food, handcrafted beer, history, theater, fierce conversations over coffee, where to find the latest deal, word of mouth marketing, stimulating movies and anything else that actually makes my brain work.

About this blog...

The collision of Christ and my life has produced stories that I could never keep to myself. This blog wanders through those stories and the impact they have on my soul.

Are you Christian? Might not be as easy a question to answer as you think

I have gone to church and considered myself a Christian my entire life. So, why when I started working at a ministry (Women of Faith) did most people that have been in my life for a while, including my parents, give me a funny sideways look?

Here is what I think. Accepting Jesus as a part of your life is only the first step and only one of many steps on the path in really becoming a Christian. Calling yourself a Christian, going to church every week or living a good life doesn’t save you. There are plenty of people that live life by what most would consider Christian principles that are not going to heaven.

If you are a Christian, than people should be able to look at your life and not miss the fact that you have The Lord in your life. I am sure that people looked at my life in college (living with my boyfriend, never going to church and getting drunk every weekend) and said if that is Christianity than I have it too. Yuck.

Until someone can look at your life and see something different, be very cautious about applying the term Christian to yourself.


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