About Me...

I am interested in Jesus, great food, handcrafted beer, history, theater, fierce conversations over coffee, where to find the latest deal, word of mouth marketing, stimulating movies and anything else that actually makes my brain work.

About this blog...

The collision of Christ and my life has produced stories that I could never keep to myself. This blog wanders through those stories and the impact they have on my soul.

Gut Checks

Ever been gut checked by a 21 year old Navy guy? Not something that most people can or want to brag about but that is exactly the way I felt when I checked up on my cousin Chris’ Myspace page the other day.

If you have read any of my recent posted blogs, than you know that I have been undergoing a little Jesus revolution in my life. I am getting on everyone’s nerves with my new found passion for faith and life is good. Everything is making sense for me and I felt like I am doing a good job of centering my life on God. Or so I thought.

If you visit Chris’s page you can’t miss the constant references to Jesus and the wording that hits you in the face with the severity that his love for the Lord carries in his life. Let me tell you what I mean. Here is a quote from his “about me” section.“I love Jesus more than anything as you will find through out getting to know me, if you don't already… I still love Jesus like tomorrow will never come…I'm a military man who loves Jesus Christ.”

Now when was the last time that somebody talked to you like that? When was the last time I talked to somebody like that? (Here is where I encountered the virtual gut check) I’ve been in church my whole life and I can’t remember the last time I saw passion for Christ like that. Not even most ministry people talk like that.So, what does it mean to be a Christian? I think Chris (a 21 year old, Navy guy, not raised in the church, and for sure no seminary student) really gets it. If we really come to terms with the fact the creator of the universe cares about the details of our lives and has wonders beyond our imagination waiting for us after we die, than we should all be so grateful that we found this truth that it leaks out of our very pours, just like Chris.

Now instead of just sitting at the feet of the great Bible teachers of our time and feverishly taking notes in church on Sunday like you learning a Spanish lesson, combine that with taking a clue from my cousin and consider that the shear awesomeness of our Lord should create such passion in us that we can’t keep it from leaking on all those around us. Even on your Myspace page. Thanks Chris.


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